Wednesday 26 April 2023

Please Find Attached


Attachment. This 9-letter word seems to be so simple yet has a dictionary’s worth of definitions. Sometimes it is a feeling that cannot be put into words. Sometimes it is an addiction that can destroy lives and sometimes it’s a mere word that the snobby kids these days love to use. But when I sit and write about it, it does fill my stomach with butterflies, and yet there is a sense of fulfillment. It takes me back to that one person, that one situation or thing that meant so much to me, and suddenly when I don’t have any of it, it doesn’t bother me that much.

Recently I came across a class photo of mine that was taken on one of the latter days of 10th standard. I stared at it. Smiled at it and then laughed. The people in that picture (including myself) had no idea that these faces that they are surrounded by, are going to disappear in the coming days and life would still go on without them. Thousands of promises were made, including those “friends forever” and “to love always”. Eventually, each one of them was broken by each one of us in that picture.

This brings me to a few questions. The questions that are asked frequently. Is it that easy to move on? What about the memories? What about the genuine bond that was shared? What about that feeling of ATTACHMENT? Does it just go away?

I have no answers to these. All I know is as and when you meet new people, they start replacing the places with those who left. It might take some time, but in due course, the empty chairs are filled again. It can be by anybody, a friend, a guide, a parent, or even by a not-very likable person for that matter.

Those lost people might meet us again somewhere in the path of our lives, but do they have a place for us now? Or vice versa? No one knows.

However, one thing I could say for sure, every individual, situation, or thing that I was or am too deeply connected to, could only bring a slight grin to my face. Each of us has our ways to deal with attachments and detachments. Perhaps, the one that supports a peaceful mind is the one way always preferred.

Please Find Attached

  Attachment. This 9-letter word seems to be so simple yet has a dictionary’s worth of definitions. Sometimes it is a feeling that cannot be...