Wednesday 26 April 2023

Please Find Attached


Attachment. This 9-letter word seems to be so simple yet has a dictionary’s worth of definitions. Sometimes it is a feeling that cannot be put into words. Sometimes it is an addiction that can destroy lives and sometimes it’s a mere word that the snobby kids these days love to use. But when I sit and write about it, it does fill my stomach with butterflies, and yet there is a sense of fulfillment. It takes me back to that one person, that one situation or thing that meant so much to me, and suddenly when I don’t have any of it, it doesn’t bother me that much.

Recently I came across a class photo of mine that was taken on one of the latter days of 10th standard. I stared at it. Smiled at it and then laughed. The people in that picture (including myself) had no idea that these faces that they are surrounded by, are going to disappear in the coming days and life would still go on without them. Thousands of promises were made, including those “friends forever” and “to love always”. Eventually, each one of them was broken by each one of us in that picture.

This brings me to a few questions. The questions that are asked frequently. Is it that easy to move on? What about the memories? What about the genuine bond that was shared? What about that feeling of ATTACHMENT? Does it just go away?

I have no answers to these. All I know is as and when you meet new people, they start replacing the places with those who left. It might take some time, but in due course, the empty chairs are filled again. It can be by anybody, a friend, a guide, a parent, or even by a not-very likable person for that matter.

Those lost people might meet us again somewhere in the path of our lives, but do they have a place for us now? Or vice versa? No one knows.

However, one thing I could say for sure, every individual, situation, or thing that I was or am too deeply connected to, could only bring a slight grin to my face. Each of us has our ways to deal with attachments and detachments. Perhaps, the one that supports a peaceful mind is the one way always preferred.

Tuesday 14 June 2022

The Road Rarely Taken

From beauty to the waves. From culture to the caves. History has it all in the bindings. Forts tell the stories of the strongest and churches to sing the songs that are deepest. Color color everywhere, couldn't decide which one was prettiest there. The greens made a road for me, and the skies were always there to cheer for me.

Growing up watching films like Dil Chahta Hai, Ajab Prem Ki Gazab Kahani, and Guzaarish (2010) multiple times, Goa was on the list for the longest period. Nope. This wasn't the first time I had been there, but pretty much the first time I explored it. This time I took the roads that did not take me to the beaches. Rather the ones that showed me what this place was in the earlier times. 

I took 3 days off from lying on the bed doing nothing to experience the richness of this tiny emerald land on the west coast of India. As soon as I stepped off the train, there was this uniqueness in the air. It was so welcoming that I could have stayed there forever (But then Vadodara would have missed me so had to come back). From the high temperatures of Gujarat to the cool and soothing weather of Goa, I knew it had a lot in store for me. 

The first day in was pretty basic. Checked into the hotel, freshened up, rented a two-wheeler, and went for a ride to the beach (for a person who hardly gets to visit a beach, yeah it was big deal). The morning of the 2nd day was all about the pool and trying hard not to sink into the water. The real adventure started on the afternoon of 7th June 2022. Drove 34 km across the city to visit the Reis Magos Fort. At the first glance, it gave me vibes of a typical fort from where the rumored haunted stories erupt. However, it was a fort used as a jail and then a hospital for the brave hearts of our country since 1493. 

The fort played a major role during the very famous "Operation Vijay" of 1961 and for Goa to be an integral part of India.

Next up were the Harvalem falls. The sound of water hitting the rocks and gushing down into the stream. Just standing there observing the water as it meets the river was refreshing that my legs were stuck as if refusing me to go back. I was so indulged at the moment that I couldn't even take my phone out to click a picture of it. Pure Bliss. 

On the third day up, it was time to visit the churches. Making my way through the colored houses, narrow roads, and pretty views, "Church Of Lady of Immaculate Conceptions" was the initial stop. I wanted to stop by here only because I had seen Ranbir Kapoor roaming around this church in some movie. I was a little disappointed reaching there as there was no entry to the church at that particular time. That's where I pretty much assumed that all churches might be closed, and went back to the bay. 

Out of all the places that I got to be at and know about, the most exciting of them all were the roads. Riding from one place to another by taking the slim roads, sliding through the slopes, around the corners of the sea, and singing "Chala jata hoon kisiki dhun mein, dhadakte dil ke tarane liye". 

Goa is beyond sand and waves. Goa is beyond beers and bars. There's so much more that I can just go on about. But for now, I end it here. 

Thursday 13 January 2022

Yeh Hai Mumbai Meri Jaan

 Friendships, memories, love, food and knowledge, Travelling is a passion, a way of living. It will help you find a perspective of who you already are. over the years, word traveling has been divided into two categories- Mountains and beaches. Talking about India, people tend to visit Shimla and Manali, Delhi, Uttrakhand, and Mumbai the most. Now that I have recently visited Mumbai, I thought of sharing my experience of the same. 

यात्री कृपा ध्यान दे, प्लेटफॉर्म नंबर 2 पर आने वाली लोकल प्लेटफॉर्म नंबर 1 पर आएगी

Running across the platforms, leaving one train and catching another, sitting and gossiping around with the dabbawalas and reaching the destination half an hour later than the expected time. All of this for a few hours of a good night's sleep in the city that never sleeps.

Mumbai. Racing against the time, looking at highs, facing the down lows, and hitting the grounds, this city of dreams has come a long way. Giving a tight hug to the outsiders and never letting them go, demands people to fall and rise every day with a new goal. Just like waves on the beach, Mumbaikars are not afraid to venture out into unknown and unchartered territory.

As soon as you set your foot on the station, the view of people rushing to catch a local is seen. Local trains are the hearts of Mumbai. In 2020, it was the first time that the wheels of the trains stopped. Otherwise, I can’t remember that even in the worst-case scenario, locals must have stopped. People are very familiar with the 1993 bomb blasts. In less than an hour of that incident, local trains were back on track. There is a film made on similar incidents named “Mumbai Meri Jaan”. It perfectly describes the effect of such incidents on people’s lives. 

Whenever I think of Mumbai as a whole, I feel it is no less than a Bollywood movie. It has a history in the form of Gateway of India, Kanheri Caves, and CST, an action well described in the incidents of 26/11, romance that can openly be seen on marine drive, and drama in the everyday lives of the people. In here localities feel thrilled in smallest of things like street shopping on Bandra linking road and fashion street, having vada pav around Shivaji park and on Sundays waiting outside “Mannat” or “Jalsa” for their favorite superstars to come out and wave at them. Honestly, I would love to have a Sunday like that.

This Maya Nagri being the hub of Indian cinema that it is has given us the best of movies, and if that wasn’t enough, a 4 story building only and only dedicated to the Indian film fraternity. During my last visit to this city, I visited the National Museum of Indian Cinema. My eyes were wide open and I just stood there astonished as what they have made is beyond my imagination. 

Being a movie lover, I am always curious of knowing what goes in a director’s mind and how do they manage to provide audiences with such masterpieces. All my queries came to an end after visiting this museum. It has 4 floors divided into ancient theatre, all about the “Bombay studios”, camera and sound techniques, new cinema, animations and Gandhi in movies, respectively. Even if you are not a Bollywood fan, this is a must-visit place. 

Being in Mumbai and not visiting the sea? Impossible. There is a strange connection with the waves. It feels so peaceful that I would not want to go back home. Afterall Aisha from Wake Up Sid has said, “यह शहर में जहां हर वक्त सब कुछ बदलता रहता है, बस एक समुंदर ही है जो नहीं बदलता”. Probably I have the same reasons to be so attached to the sea. 

All of the city is awesome. The places. The food. The culture. The language. But above everything, the people residing in here are very warm-hearted. They are empathetic and they meet you with so much grace, that at the end of the night, they end up being your people. They have so many stories to tell and even after hectic work schedules they know how to live life to the fullest. 

As I write this, one song is constantly going on in my head and I think it perfectly suits the situations of the mumbaikars and even the outsiders who are looking at a new beginning in this city of magic and madness. 

ज़िन्दगी ने  दस्तक दी तो 
दिल की सब खिड़कियाँ खुल गयी, हाँ खुल गयी
होठों पे जो जमी थी वोह 
सारी खामोशियाँ घुल गयी, हाँ घुल गयी
कितने लम्हों ने मुझको जैसे हैरान किया
कितनी बातों ने दिल को आके है छू लिया
चाहतें कई है दिल में अब जगमगायी
राहतें कई है मुझसे कहेनो को आयी
पेहेचाने सारी मुसकाने सारी भरले निग़ाहों में तू...

And this made much more sense than ever. 

Sunday 18 April 2021

Feminism And Films

 Women are an inspiration. Be it in real life or fiction. People want to be badass as Roza Diaz, Independent as Rachel Green, and strong as Donna Paulsen. But then why do we forget about Amrita in Thappad and Manju in Juice? If they had not spoken against the wrong, it wouldn't have inspired women in real life to raise their voices against what should not have happened in the first place. 

A woman's perspective matters a lot when it comes to showing a great female character onscreen. We all loved Sehmat's fierceness in Raazi but it wouldn't have come out this bright if not seen through Meghna Gulzar's eyes. Or one of the very first films to talk about a sexual relationship between sister in laws, Fire, was a challenge taken up by Deepa Mehta. She faced accusations and criticism for bringing up such a topic on big screens. What if she had given up or what if she had ordered to take down the movie on the first day itself? It probably would not have been an example to some aspiring filmmakers of today's generation. 

 Talking about fiction and the characters who inspire, my favorite one is Aisha from Wake Up Sid. She just had something in her that attracted me to how strong she was. In 2008, stepping into a new phase, a new city with no contacts and big dreams wasn't an easy job, and yet she made her way through the crowd. For the first time itself, I wanted to exchange my seats with Sid to be her roommate. I am completely different from what she is but just the idea of being independent, away from home, go carefree, following dreams, and having no problem with a guy staying under the same roof made me fall for her. For me, she was a BOSS LADY with whom I can dance like crazy on Bollywood songs (Those who know me knows I am a Bollywood keeda). 

Aisha was a master of her own choices and Konkana Sen Sharma has made sure that she brings out a strong woman or man hidden inside of the audience to step out from their comfort zone and explore the world. 

For a long time, it was difficult for Indian cinema to dish out new content that strongly supported women-centric movies because the characters were either targeted for being modern and having a straightforward attitude or were loved for being acquiescent. However, after 2005, the tables turned and people started accepting the personalities women possessed on screen. Directors have given us movies like Lipstick Under My Burkha, No One Killed Jessica, Piku, Dolly Kitty Aur Woh Chamakte Sitare, Hellaro, and many more that were goals. Not only women filmmakers but also directors like Shoojit Sircar, Anubhav Sinha, Abhishek Shah along others have done a phenomenal job shaping a feminine character in such as way that everybody would look up to.

We appreciate the beauty on screen but the mastermind behind the same is usually forgotten. We need to celebrate the people who bring us the stories that are long lost or not talked about much through movies.

Please Find Attached

  Attachment. This 9-letter word seems to be so simple yet has a dictionary’s worth of definitions. Sometimes it is a feeling that cannot be...